Today is the Malayalam new year. Across the world, Malayalee families begin the new year on this day by viewing the Vishu Kani, and I wanted you all to begin this year viewing the kani too(The photo has been shamelessly lifted from the net(this is not a tradition). There is another tradition of presenting money to the people you love the most. Does anybody want my account number?). The kani represents good things in life like God, sweet fruits, vegetables, grains, clothes, and money(There's money again. Did you forget to ask for my account number?)
It is a widely held belief that what happens on this day will continue for the rest of the year(I know. Don't start giving examples or sending me hate mail. I'm only saying it's a belief. When I was home, Amma used to carefully discard my torn clothes, lest I wear them on this day. I don't know why, but it was another quirk of mine to wear torn clothes. Not just on Vishu. Any day) Anyway, this is the logic behind the kani - you want to see good things on this day so that it continues for the rest of the year. Also, parents don't scold kids on this day, students don't give exams, schools don't distribute report cards, etc. It's a belief. And then there is the fabulous feast. The number of dishes run into two digits, not counting the chips and the pickles.
My Vishu this year is very very special. My first Vishu away from home. Even when I was working, I managed to be home on this day. Sadly, today, even the mention of home seems so far away.. Instead of the Kani, I saw the back of a chair. Does this mean I will keep seeing chairbacks for the remainder of the year? Had cucumbers for breakfast, since the pantry ate up all our supplies. Nice outlook for the rest of the year. Compared to my present state, Amma's feast back home sounds like a week's worth of food. Sigh. Instead of receiving money, the first financial transaction I made this year was paying a bill to the Cable company. What does this forebode? Shudder. Anyway, all I'm praying is that it is just a belief, it doesn't happen really. Can you think of a year's worth of yesterday and today? I can't.
On the bright side, I have managed a post on this new year's day. Hopefully the trend will continue throughout the year. I was exploring the feasibility of hiring somebody to write articles for me. I could then put in a few italics and (parentheses) and post it. Hopefully I won't have to. Been the worst start of the year for me, hope it is much better on your end. And yes, this is the last time I'm reminding you of an ancient Vishu tradition.
Happy new year!!! :)
Thanks Divya.. Wish you the same!!
Happy vishu 2010
prasad from
Vishu cards
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